Go Tell Mom
We chew on stuff you’d talk about with your mom. Or maybe not. Advice that moms would give...if they were research ninjas. Or maybe not. Crazy things that happen when moms and families get together...and how to deal with the drama. Or maybe not. Come share the adventure with us!
Podcasting since 2022 • 28 episodes
Go Tell Mom
Latest Episodes
Go Tell Mom - s3e2 - Setting Kids' Schedules
Dianna Kelly and Sheri Waltz discuss keeping the kids on task so you don’t go crazy. Today’s Parent on setting up a schedule:

Go Tell Mom s3e1 - Handling Heartache
Dianna Kelly and Sheri Waltz debate how to help kids handle disappointment.Child Mind Institute on listening and coping skills for parents: https://childmi...
Season 3
Episode 1

Go Tell Mom s2e12 - American Spirit
GO TELL MOM s2e12 American Spirit Show NotesDianna Kelly and Sheri Waltz talk about the balance between encouraging kids to salute the troops and explaining what the troops have to do to keep us safe. MilitaryFamilyLife.com o...